
GIFGARI is dedicated to providing a fun way to search and share the best Bangladeshi GIFs on the internet. Do not edit/crop/remove our logo or use any of our GIFs for any commercial purpose. You may use our blank GIF templates to put customized caption following our guideline (go to GIFs that are totally prohibited on our templates section)
GIFGARI GIFs, once shared, can be seen by everyone; therefore, it’s important to be mindful of the type of GIFs that are appropriate according to the Bangladeshi Law. To do that, we’ve set up a few guidelines that we ask you follow.
Thanks for helping us make GIFGARI a positive experience for everyone!
Rules of thumb:
Keep GIFs Friendly: The purpose of GIFs is to add a bit of fun to our online lives, so keep your GIFs friendly. Do not create any GIF meant to hurt another individual.
Respect Privacy: It’s important to respect and honor the privacy and consent of the individuals depicted in your GIFs.
Sharing: Sharing is great. Please use GIFs embed options, available on each GIF’s individual page, for proper sharing on your blog or social media accounts. Before you use GIFs you find from us, you’ll want to make sure you’re comfortable that your use complies with any laws applicable.
GIFs that are totally prohibited on our templates
Pornography & Explicit Nudity: You can’t upload anything that depicts any form of sex act or other sexually explicit material.
Straight up: Your GIFs can’t show any explicit nudity at all. Sorry! In general, if it’s not something that you’d show your mom, don’t create.
Violence: We don’t mind GIFs that show fictional violence (in other words, pretend play where no one actually gets hurt), but if it’s real, then it’s not allowed to create. Any GIFs that portray real death, mutilation, gore, or assault are not permitted.
Self-Harm: You can’t create or share anything that encourages or promotes self-harm. This includes activities or behavior related to suicide, self-mutilation, or eating disorders.
Bullying, Stalking, Harassment, or Threats: You can’t create or share GIFs to bully, harass, or threaten another individual.
Hate Speech: GIFs are meant for everyone, so we don’t allow any that slander, demean, or belittle another group or person based upon their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Those are a definite no.
Illegal Activity: Don’t create or share GIFs of illegal activity from our templates. You also can’t use GIFs to engage in or promote illegal activity.
Private Information: You can’t create or share GIFS that reveal any private or sensitive information about another person. This includes things such as addresses, phone numbers, passwords, and anything else that could be considered personal.
Spam: Making GIFs that advertise your businesses for your own marketing purposes is perfectly fine.
Please respect these rules and help us keep GIFGARI an awesome place for all of our community.
Let us know to report a GIF you think is violating these mentioned guidelines.
Happy Giffing কারবারি!